How to get a tree cut down for free

How to get a tree cut down for free?Beginner Tips

How to get a tree cut down for free? Trees are something like the kings in their own garden.

They are beautiful to look at, provide shade and sometimes also ensure a rich fruit harvest. Sometimes, however, it may be necessary to remove a tree from the garden. Depending on the size, this can be a very difficult undertaking, for which you absolutely need professionals and possibly even a permit.

Here is a checklist for all those who want to learn how to get a tree cut down for free:

How To Get A Tree Removed For Free?

Can’t afford to have a tree cut down?

How much should it cost to have a tree cut down?

Will the electric company cut down trees?

How much does it cost to cut down a 100 ft tree?

Free Tree Removal In Exchange For Wood

Free Tree Removal Options

How To Get A Tree Removed For Free?

Good reasons for free tree removal
How to get a tree cut down for free
How to get a tree cut down for free

Pines growing in the sky, a birch threateningly approaching a neighboring apartment building, that has been bothering the new owner of the plot since the purchase of the same or hindered the construction project—there are many reasons for down the tree cutting.

Whether they can be stated reasonably enough is often decided by whether the application is followed by the relevant commune and whether a permit has been issued for the case. How and when it is allowed to use is regulated differently depending on the state, and typically from municipality to municipality.

As a rule, protection using the appropriate tree protection rule is applied to deciduous and coniferous trees with a trunk circumference of 60 to 80 centimeters, measured at a height of one to one and a half meters: accurate data can be obtained from the appropriate specialized authority in the administration of your municipality.

Some cities, municipalities, and counties usually export coniferous trees. Fruit trees are by no means subject to tree protection. Similarly, hedge plants. Attention to walnut trees: they are considered deciduous, but not fruit trees, and are thus protected.

If the tree is located directly on the property boundary, it is indispensable to coordinate with the neighbor about the fate of the tree. This is often regarded as a border tree and thus belongs to the property of both parties before the law.

The applicable neighboring law of the municipality regulates the ownership as well as foliage and shade in the neighboring garden. However, not every municipality has a neighboring rights law. An example? Hamburg can do without it and trusts that Hanseatic landowners settle contentious cases without the help of paragraphs.

Can’t afford to have a tree get rid of?

To get rid of tree for free (free of charge):

1) valuable tree species that can become part of someone’s collection.

2) wood for firewood is very valuable for logging companies

3) high-quality wood

— Western Red Cedar

— Mahogany

— Oak

— Kingwood

— Dalbergia is a kind of rosewood

— Ash

— Black cherry tree

Not only lumber companies can be interested in wood, but also landscape designers and collectors. The main condition for such a transaction is the excellent condition of the tree. In addition, you can sell your tree at a very good price. Construction and design companies, and lumber companies, can pay you a good price for your tree.

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4) you will get rid of the tree yourself. Then you will not have to pay money to a special company, tree services, call specialists and negotiate a price.

How to get a tree cut down for free

Is it may be able to remove the tree yourself?

You may have several reasons to remove a tree located on your territory:

— your tree is not a valuable and endangered species

— it does not interest a job professional lumber companies, services, tree removal services, designers and a self-employed logger.

— your neighbors approved tree removal, because its absence will not prevent them

The State has developed a system of support measures for the elderly population. One of these measures is the provision of services to the company on a free basis for cutting down trees.

An elderly person can apply to non-profit organizations, private and public foundations, and the US Department of Agriculture. By calling the organization, you can find out if you fall under the preferential category of citizens.

In addition, as a US citizen, you have every right to get under the residential construction program in your city. These programs take into account a large percentage of the elderly population and are ready to co-finance with tree service the repair of the house if it is in disrepair or the territory adjacent to the save house.

Your tree can be classified as very dangerous, which can cause harm and cause great damage and it should be trees removed.

How to get a tree cut down for free
How to get a tree cut down for free

How much should it cost to have a tree cut down?

How much does tree trimming cost on average? To begin with, it is necessary to determine what factors affect the cost of the tree. Firstly, the size of the tree is very important. Secondly, the state of the tree. In poor condition (rotten, dry, sick, etc.). As indicated on the company’s websites, the average cost is $ 1200.

It is worth noting that each tree species has its property height, density, and volume. Consequently, experts already calculate the cost and complexity of the work based on the available facts. For example, a pine tree can reach a height of up to 100 feet.

Accordingly, its removal will be expensive — more than $ 2,000. But the oak is slightly lower than the pine, therefore, its cost is less — about 800 -1500 dollars.

But height is not a decisive indicator. For example, a cypress tree is much taller than a pine tree, but it is lighter, therefore, it will be much less trouble with it than with pine or cedar. Its cost will be around $ 400.

How to get a tree cut down for free

Will the electric company cut down a tree?

The energy company will come to your house for a call in order to remove your tree for free if it may pose a threat to the safety of the population in the future.

As stated in the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), all electrical companies are responsible for the maintenance, pruning, and removal of the tree if it is a safety issue. You can offer the company not one tree, but several.

Next, it is worth noting the grounds under which the electricity support services in the city needs to be removed near your house for free:

– if your tree is supported by power lines,

– if your tree at the house was killed as a result of damage by communal activities

– if your tree interferes with the laying of new power grids, the construction of a building or a road, then it may be partially pruned

– if your tree hurts and threatens others

How to get a tree cut down for free
How to get a tree cut down for free

How much does it cost to cut down a 100 ft tree?

The commissioning of a specialist is unavoidable because felling a tree without professional knowledge and equipment is life-threatening.

READ ALSO ➡  How to Get a Tree Cut Down for Free: Step by Step

The costs for tree felling are made up of various individual items. Depending on the tree size, effort, and further work such as subsequent disposal, different prices must be taken into account. In order to keep an overview as an owner, we have created an overview of the average costs. Cost traps in tree felling can thus be avoided in a targeted manner.

The costs indicated in the table are indicative of an average tree with a height of 15 meters. During a generally free on-site inspection, the specialist determines the effort required for the work and determines the price.

– Precipitation permit: 27,5 – 85$

– Tree felling without root removal and branch disposal: 200 – 400 $

– Remove the tree root: approx. 70 $

– Processing of larger pieces of wood into firewood: 50 – 100 $

– Remove and dispose: $60 – $150

– Disposal of green waste: 100 – 150 $

– Total costs: approx. 600 – 1.100 $

How to get a tree cut down for free
How to get a tree cut down for free
What factors influence the price?

Many factors influence the price of tree felling. The following applies the more effort, the more expensive it will be for the client.

The higher and stronger a tree is, the more effort is a felling. This is reflected in the cost. The load also affects the price: is the tree fully loaded or only half loaded? Are the branches long, thick, thin, or short?

If parts of the tree are located in the neighboring plot or above your property house, it will also be more expensive. Also, the height of the tree determines the price: the higher, the more it costs.

Furthermore, the environment decides on the costs: sources of danger such as power and telephone lines, pools or places in the garden that is worth protecting make felling more difficult and cause more effort.

Holding bans or roadblocks, which are necessary for tree felling, also result in higher costs. If there is no suitable access road for tree removal if the tree needs to be removed in parts or even carried to the transport vehicle, the costs increase.

Removing trees up to 100 feet tall costs $2,000 or more.

Free Tree Removal In Exchange For Wood

When exchanging your wood for wood, you should consider some factors:

1) your tree must be of good quality because not all tree species are suitable for furniture or for art. If you need a tree just for work, it is better to take deciduous trees.

2) if you need a tree for heating (stove, fireplace, barbecue), then your option is coniferous trees burn well.

3) if your Gorenje tree emits a lot of smoke, then it will not interest the company either.

Let’s list those trees that are very much appreciated by loggers, and landscape designers.

  • Most fruit trees
  • Oaktree
  • Maple tree
  • Ash Tree
  • Birch tree

Why are they so valued? They burn hot, as well as for a long time, and do not smoke when Gorenje. But the most important factor is that they are very suitable for making furniture.

Loggers or a company may not charge you anything, and then take the wood for themselves.

How to get a tree cut down for free

Free Tree Removal Options

Free alternative

firewood in return. Since cutting down trees always involves relatively large efforts, there are hardly any inexpensive or even tree for free

alternatives. However, costs can be reduced by taking on certain jobs, such as chopping firewood yourself or refusing to remove the stump and root. But under some circumstances, a wood merchant may also be willing to remove trees for free

if he is allowed to get the resulting wood and then sell it.

In addition, you should ask in the construction yard or in the garden department of your commune whether the upcoming felling of trees can also be carried out in the course of general care measures. They themselves work or work. While doing it yourself would certainly be the most economical option, it is also the most dangerous.

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Removing trees is quite expensive, often several thousand dollars or more, but there are ways to remove trees for free, depending on the tree and the situation.

How to get a tree cut down for free

Step 1

Check if your trees are part of a city, state, or federal program. Many areas have received grants for tree planting and maintenance as part of ongoing efforts to promote natural beautification and air quality programs.

Check with your local Cooperative Extension Office for such programs in your area. You can also ask at the town hall or at a forestry office that covers your region. If the trees are near the road, it is likely that the city is on them and will remove trees for free, if necessary.

Grants for Tree Removal:

You can also search the US Government Grant Database to see what other free tree removal programs may be eligible for federal government programs.

Step 2

Post ads, either in stores, laundromats, or online bulletin boards, on your local neighborhood community’s Facebook page, also on the Nextdoor community website, local Newspapers,advertising free wood to anyone willing to cut it up and pull it away. Many people heat all or part of their homes with wood, and these people are often happy to get tree for free wood in exchange for their efforts.

Step 3

Call the energy company to remove unwanted trees near power lines. Most of these companies have contracts with tree specialists in the areas they serve. If there is a possibility that your trees are or will become problem trees, the energy company often removes them for you free of charge.

Step 4

Cut down the trees yourself. You can either use the wood in your property home or sell it. With this method, the trees are not only removed trees for free but actually paid for it. You can trade with someone if you need help, trade some wood for cutting, splitting, and hauling.

Step 5

Contact a reputable logging company to cut down and remove your trees. Many small businesses do this tree for free, provided there are enough trees – usually 20 or more – to make it worthwhile. Make sure you know what kind of trees they have and their value.

In some cases, the timber company can not only remove your trees but also pay money. Check with more than one company, check with your county extension office, and ask neighbors for recommendations before agreeing to anything.

read: What to do with leftovers from tree removal?

It is necessary to draw conclusions.

In the article, we answered the question: “How to get a tree cut down for free?”

You can cut trees for free and tree branches in the period from October 1 to February 28. Between March 1 and September 30 is the time of bird protection, so radical pruning of trees is not allowed at this time, but pruning of the form and care, as well as road safety measures are possible. You can offer the company not one tree, but several.

In autumn, you should prune trees from October if you want to do radical pruning of trees. Pruning for care and molding is allowed all year round and, therefore, throughout the fall.

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