Root Barrier Installation Cost: What's the Best Fit for You?

Root Barrier Installation Cost: Consider All Types and Materials

The design of root barriers and their application have progressed since 1992 when technology moved from a concrete root barrier that cracked and collapsed to concrete plastics with the ability to withstand high stresses and loads created by soil movement and humidity.

The initial development of concrete plastic root barrier was based on preventing the impact of trees on buildings, but as research progressed, it was discovered that moisture stabilization in reactive clay was being done.

A flexible waterproof cut-off wall placed around the building will allow the building foundation to float on a block of stable clay and moisture, reducing the need for supports and other structures and proved to be economical. Well, what is root barrier installation cost?

2022 Root Barrier Installation Cost |
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What Is a Root Barrier?

A root barriers is an impenetrable, durable structure installed underground to prevent tree roots from damaging the foundation of a building.

Install root barriers can be purchased from various manufacturers from various materials, from plastic to steel, or can be made from scratch using concrete.

Do root barriers work?

Tree root barriers are the most effective when they are installed at the right time and in the right place. Improperly install root barriers can interfere with the development of a healthy root system of your tree and may provide insufficient protection from aggressive installing root barriers professionals.

Proper preparation of the soil around your tree when planting it can increase the effectiveness of your root barrier installation and ensure the development of a healthy root system of the tree away from foundations and underground utilities determine.

Tree root barrier protects concrete paths
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How Much Does Its Root Barrier Installation Cost?

Such root barriers cost about $1,000 on average. But do not forget that root barriers price also includes installation and delivery.

The root barrier installation process is very complex and energy-consuming, so the cost is high. The work consists of digging a recess, installing, fixing determine, material, etc.

All this installing root barriers may take several days.

But still, this root barrier method is very effective and harmless to shallow roots, unlike chemicals. Although sometimes you have to use it: Killing tree roots with bleach: is it a bad idea or not?

Let’s take a closer look at what is included in the install root barriers price and what money you will have to pay for such work determine.

Should You Install a Root Barrier?
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Concrete Root Barrier

You will be able to wait for a specialist, paying from 1,000 to 2,000 dollars due to the construction of a concrete root barrier installation.

Concrete barriers is expensive because specialists need to dig a thorough trench, and then fill it with reinforced concrete root barriers.

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Concreted root barriers require a large amount of concrete barrier material to be used because you need to pour concrete from 30 to 60 inches depending on the factors of territory foundation repair. 

Such a large amount of concrete, as well as this is formed, considering that at least 1 day is removed from the filling root barriers.

How do they install a concrete root barrier?

They dig a trench at least 3-5 feet deep and then pour concrete to fill root barrier factors.

Concrete metal is considered the best root obstacle because the sources do not have all the chances for foundation repairs to pass through root barriers.

Regular concrete in a thin layer is no good, and you’ve probably seen concrete paths damaged by roots more than once: Tree root removal under concrete – 6 cases when you need to remove the roots.

What is the price of installing a concrete root barrier?

However, the cost of concrete barriers and concreted root barrier installation has every chance to be above $ 3,000 if you need to compensate for a large number of concrete barrier territories.

This is also correct if you need to dig more thoroughly than 3-4 feet, as it takes more time to do this, as well as turning on more devices.

Concrete barriers root installation is your best choice to completely remove cracks from the foundation of your home.

Metal Root Barrier

Iron root installation costs at least 1,000 dollars, but they have every chance of being above $1,500 or more due to the cost of labor foundation repair.

You will be able to rely on installation made of iron roots extending, because they do not collapse in such a fast way, as well as on plastics installed on prevent roots.

Everything, without exception, depends on how much humidity and precipitation you get a break due to the atmospheric climate of your region. If there are no holes in your iron root barriers installation, virtually no spring ground will be able to reach the base of your house in the ground any way point.

an iron root barrier installation
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Labor costs for iron root barriers

Iron installations have a chance to succumb to rust, but this in no way affects their effectiveness. Iron barrier by no means loses its functional characteristics, corrosion of the barrier material arising over time in no way provokes the foundation repair.

Labor costs for iron root barriers are by no means the highest, due to the ground fact that the installation of the hood is no different from barriers. However it is more economical than a concreted obstacle since pouring concrete takes longer than laying an iron sheet on the territory of tree roots.

The cost of building an iron root barrier installation has every chance of reaching $2,000, but a moderate owner spends from $1,200 to $1,500 costs.

Plastic Root Barrier

Invest in a plastic obstacle with a large root if you want to purchase a successful fence wall without spending a single position on the design.

A moderate owner will spend thousands of dollars on a plastic obstacle with large roots, and it is also extremely rare to spend more than $1,350.  Plastic root mounts prevent the construction from becoming more expensive, and they are also priced to install cheaper overall.

You only need to worry about moisture if you’ve had a plastic obstacle with large roots for a decade or more. This is because plastic is able to weaken over time job if someone with a period absorbs a large amount of moisture or bright lighting.

Labor costs for plastic root barriers

Plastic root is installed at least 36-60 inches from the plane digging, so, humidity does not affect the entire length in any way job. The cost of plastic root barriers is additionally due to the low price of the barrier itself, which is stronger than concrete or steel.

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You can spend a total of 40 dollars on the materials used to create a plastic root barrier installation, and other costs are combined with labor costs as well as installation costs.

Analyze a plastic obstacle with large root costs if you want to strengthen your foundation, by no means spend as much as on a steel or concrete obstacle.

Plastic root obstacle installation
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Root Inhibitor Chemicals

You can expect to pay up to 120$ costs or more because of penetrating the name of the chemical inhibitor to protect the foundation of your home.

The price varies depending on the brand, as well as the home’s foundation size and the pack you buy.

This type is convenient because you can apply chemical inhibitors without the help of others, even in the absence of penetrating specialist support costs.

However chemical treatments are not as effective as a physically deep wall of root barrier installation.

This is due because the wall directly protects your base surface, in this case the validity period is the same as that of chemical inhibitors, which affect the wood extend.

Are root inhibition chemicals safe?

Chemicals minimize the increase in the size of tree roots along with the main roots deep, which have every chance of growing to a depth of up to 30 inches extend, as bit well as the most moisture root screens.

Chemical inhibitor costs are called a collapse period due to the influence of heat root growth, as well as the atmosphere. This foundation means that you will need to use chemical name inhibitors regularly to successfully cure root screen names.

Chemical inhibitors are very effective, but they require the most maintenance growth root screens, as well as reuse, rather than removing installation foundation problems cheaper.

What Can I Use as a Root Barrier?

Fiber, pieces of plastic, or plastic sheets can be used as a root barrier installation.

We ask you to focus on the fact that these options are by no means as effective as using a classic root barrier or screen. At the same time, they protect if you carefully fit them into the territory. It prevents the roots from penetrating to the top or through foundation materials to the base.

But pieces of plastic, as well as plastic sheets, have every chance of eventually falling apart from prolonged exposure to humidity. Beautiful frames are by no means ideal for using handmade tree root barriers, as they deteriorate from root damage.

Bamboo Root Barrier
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How Long Do Root Growth Barriers Last?

At the same time, you can make an effective hand-made obstacle for minimal cost with a big root if you grab a huge piece of alloy material. As long as the length of the alloy can be 3 to 5 feet deep near the tree’s territory, you can safely reject purchased barriers. A material large-root obstacle home’s foundation with an alloy property or plastic can serve for 5-10 years or longer.

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Concreted root obstacles are intended to last longer in general, as reinforced concrete never stops curing after pouring. See for what reason concrete metal is the best kind for a root barrier, but it can weaken if it cracks.

Do I Need a Root Barrier for Bamboo?

So, you need an obstacle with large roots to grow bamboo, including if its sources do not increase very thoroughly in any way roots. It’s more economical to identify an obstacle with large roots for beech trees since you don’t need to dig carefully in this way alternative.

Root barriers for beech trees

The origin of the beech log roots extends 12 inches beyond the plane, and this is also more thorough than in the case of other trees installed. Digging is one of the biggest costs when building a tree’s root barrier, so DIY operation can save you several hundred dollars.

This means that you can spend 500-800 dollars to build a root barrier from a beech log installed, however, it may be more surface.

Besides bamboo, we have a special post about palm trees’ roots on our website: How to Make Palm Tree Root System Removal Properly. Also watch this video on installing a cedar root barrier by Root Cause Seattle:


The installation of the root barrier concept requires from 1,000 to 2,000 $, in this regard, one or another type is more to your liking. Concreted root fences are considered the most expensive due to the significant cost of concrete, but they are also considered more effective.

Chemicals together with inhibitors are the most inexpensive, because no more than $120 is required for torah, but their results are also temporary. It’s also important to know that pruning trees affects the root system and can reduce its spread. For proper pruning, see these examples:

Chapter FAQ

Are root barriers effective?

Yes, of course, such root barriers are very effective. They help to deal well with various problems without harm to plants.

Should I install a root barrier?

If you want to protect your plant from various diseases or problems, then your best helper will be a root barrier.

What is root barrier installation?

The normal placement of the root barrier is to place it around the structure, outside, and parallel to the supports of the structure. Try not to surround the tree. The preferred method is to install a root barrier next to a building, trail, road, etc.

Where do you put root barrier?

Placement method: trench down to a natural horizontal zone resistant to tree roots, and place the root barrier in the trench with one solid element at the top of the root barrier. Finishing above ground.