What Is The Reason My Chainsaw Chain Is Slipping Off: 4 why

What Is the Reason My Chainsaw Chain Is Slipping off: Find and Fix It

Tools for gardening should always be in good condition. This is due to the fact that they can be useful at any time. In addition, such tools have an increased risk of injury. To avoid any damage, you need to keep the tools in order.

In order to carry out any work related to forest management, you will need a chainsaw. The chainsaw helps to cut large pieces of wood, and also helps in various farming matters. But unfortunately, it happens that the chainsaw chain moves away and breaks.

Why is this happening and how to fix it? What is the reason my chainsaw chain is slipping off? That’s what we’ll talk about in today’s article.

chain tension, chainsaw chains, loose chainsaw chains, chain teeth

Why Is the Chainsaw Chain Coming off?

If you are wondering why the chain on your chainsaw is coming loose, then there are some problems in the mechanism.

There are four main reasons for this problem:

  • drive sprocket is worn-out,
  • bar heel may be worn-out,
  • wrongly set chainsaw chain tension,
  • the bar rails may be in poor condition.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the possible causes of the breakdown.

Worn out drive sprocket or poorly secured

proper length, full throttle

One of the frequent problems that lead to the chain jumping off is the problem with the leading internal sprocket. This often happens either due to wear of the part, or due to improper installation.

Let’s take a closer look at how to properly install the leading star so that the chain does not jump off.

How to repair a drive sprocket

First, you need to remove the protective cover of the engine. Then remove the protective cover of the candle and pull out the air filter.

Now, take a special twist and remove the candle. You can do this in a circular motion. Put in its place a special stopper that will fix the piston in a certain position. With the key, unscrew the clutch disc clockwise.

This should be done until the piston takes the topmost position. To better understand the installation, just look into the hole of the candle, the piston will be located at the bottom.

Chainsaw Chain Direction Of Travel | SOLVED: What to Do?

Use a rope or something similar

As a stopper, it would be nice to take a thick rope. It can be folded several times. So you will get the perfect tool. After you have fixed the part, clamp the drive sprocket by scrolling the clutch disc counterclockwise.

At the very end, after clamping, do the same thing, only in reverse order and assemble the chainsaw. The tire is inserted into a special mounting hole and bolted. After that, you can install protection. After installation, the adjusting tension will return to normal.

If the worn out drive sprocket, then simply replace it with a new one according to the instructions. The inevitably stretch will be when worn out drives sprockets.

Chainsaw bar heel may be worn-out

The wear of the chainsaw bar heel in 50% of cases is the cause of chainsaw chain failure. The chainsaw bar heel wear is a spare part that is located near the drive sprocket.

When the core heel wears out, it lengthens the distance that the chains will pass, respectively, the grooves become less effective. If the chain is too far away, guiding bar can jump and jump off. The guiding bar is often the main problem.

Chainsaw bar heel fixing, worn out bar heel , chainsaw chain coming, chain length, proper tension, chainsaw chains

Wrongly set chainsaw chain tension or deformed

Another option why your chainsaw chain jumps off the chainsaw may be a worn chainsaw chain or an incorrectly installed chain. Both reasons are common in the modern world.

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As you know, metal has the property of changing shape over time. If the metal in the chain is deformed, the best option would be to throw it out and buy a new chainsaw chain. But still there are several ways that will help you return the old chain to its normal appearance.

How to fix the old chain

To do this, you will need:

  • a vise,
  • a file,
  • an electric welding machine,
  • a hammer,
  • pliers,
  • beard.

There are also a variety of service kits available for sale, such as those by Stihl.

It is very difficult to disconnect the new chain in a chainsaw, since it is made of high-strength materials, but it is not impossible. You can try to grind it with a file.

Then you need to knock out the rivets. You can do this with a beard. Leave the broken rivets, there is a small chance that you will be able to find new ones. You will not be able to make these yourself, and there are no such rivets in the markets.

How to make the chainsaw chain shorter?

Next, to make the chainsaw chain shorter, divide it in two places. The main thing is to observe the following rule: the number of guides on the inside of the chainsaw chains and the distance between them must be combined with the leading sprocket.

After chainsaw users remove all the necessary links, put the chainsaw chains in place with rivets. In some cases, you will need a welding machine to attach the rivets to large parts of the links. Next, use a file to grind off the excess.

A lawn mower and a gasoline trimmer will help to maintain order in your suburban area. Do not forget about the chainsaw lubricant. It will make the work easier.

Construction of chainsaw chain, chainsaw chains,

The bar rails may be in poor condition

Another reason for the chain coming loose is the poor condition of the rails. Rails are subjected to a large amount of work, as a result of which they wear out quickly. Also, at fast speeds and working on the flap, the service life is reduced even more.

Usually, a sign that the rails have worn out is the loss of smooth grip with the guide. Chainsaws in such situations will often go off the chainsaw guide bar.

How Do You Tighten Loose Chainsaw Blade?

After getting acquainted with the possible causes of problems, the question arises, but how to tighten the free blade with broken teeth of a chainsaw nose?

Let’s look at the “dime” method. It’s long term solution. Dime method involves placing a penny between the rod and the target when adjusting the tension. There are a few more interesting ways to fix the tension adjustment screws, but first, let’s summarize.

The chainsaw chain inevitably stretches, accordingly, after a while it becomes free. Sawing wood with the wrong chain links can be life-threatening, so you need to fix this defect because you don’t want to get injured while working.

Let’s quickly get acquainted with more tension and how it looks right.

Bad/improper tension

In order to determine whether the loose chain is, you need to remove it from the guiding bar. A chain that easily comes off the guiding bar needs over tightening. Check the discs, if they are not connected, we recommend adjusting the proper tension.

Good/proper tension

To determine a proper tension, pay attention to the drive links. If the disk connections are as expected, then you can get to work.

There should be small gaps between the chain and the guiding bar, so you will understand that everything is fine. But these gaps should not be too large, otherwise, they will not effectively cut the wood.

Chainsaw Blade to tighten

Fixing chainsaw blade that keeps coming off: Vital steps to follow

The correct loose chain tension in the chainsaw indicates that you can get to work. But if you need to fix something, then be sure to follow the following recommendations, otherwise, you may get into an unpleasant situation.

Step 1

First, you need to loosen the chainsaw chain and the damaged bar rails before properly adjusting them to the right chain tension. If the chainsaw brake is attached to two components on the side panel, start by unscrewing the brake before removing the side panel.

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Step 2

Adjust the tension screw. The tension screw is located on the side of the guide rods. Tighten it and the improper chain tension will increase. And if you do the opposite, then the chain will be weaker.

Step 3

You need to tighten the guide bar and clutch cover nuts on the side panel. Lift the chainsaw nose of the chainsaw along guide bar to make sure that the chain has a uniform tension around the rod.

If you do everything according to the recommendations, the chain will not fly off. If there are still problems, then you may have to change the chainsaw chain.

Before you buy a new chain, measure the length of the old one. The best options with good reviews are the 16-inch 8 THEN chain, as well as the 20-inch and 16-inch Husqvarna chain. It is long term solution.

Chainsaw needs repair

What to Do If Chainsaw Chains Fails to Tighten

There are also situations when the chainsaw chain for ripping firewood does not want to tighten. Even if you have met all of the above conditions, the chain may not be tightened for a number of reasons. Let’s look at some of the reasons why this can happen.


Possible thread in the chainsaw body is removed. The thread is needed to hold the screw to adjust the improper tension.

Tension adjustment screw wrench

If the tension adjustment screw wrench continues to rotate, there is a high probability that it will be removed. In such a situation, it is better to replace it with a new one.

Guide bar rails

Make sure that the guide bar rail is installed correctly. An incorrectly installed rod greatly affects the adjusting chain tension. The loose guide bar rail, if improperly installed and stretched, can have serious consequences. It is also very dangerous to work with a faulty guide bar rails.

High speed wears out the guiding bars faster. If you want to extend the life of the guiding bars, then do not use very high speed.

Wrong chain

Maybe you just installed the wrong loose chains. The wrong size will bring a lot of trouble.

What is the solution for chains that won’t tighten

We have talked about the reasons, now we will deal with ways to solve these problems.

Remove a chain link

The most basic step in such situations is to remove one link or more to help solve this problem. Usually, there is one master link. This is done to make other links easier to remove.

Using a flat-head screw, you need to open the link, and then use pliers to remove the end link. Depending on how many links you want to remove, repeat this process. The most important thing is to observe safety precautions. The drive links remain intact if the rules of use are followed.

chainsaw chain in work, chain link , right chain length , right chain length, tension screw, tension screw, loose blades

Chainsaw Chain: Determining the Right Length for Your Machine

As soon as you realized that it was time to change the loose chains completely, a question arises. And how long is the chain needed? How to determine the required size correctly?

Let’s take it in order. Firstly, chains are not universal. Depending on the type of most chainsaws, the length of the product will vary, so you need to measure it before fitting it to your chainsaw. Another tip would be that you need to take into account the measurement of the rod. There are several other ways.

Drive links

Determine the ideal chain length that will be needed for your powerful wood cutting machine by stretching the loose chain on a flat surface. Next, find the drive links on the inside of the chain. With the number of drive links that are in-depth, you will be able to make the right choice.

The distance between the body and the tip of most chainsaws: Take a tape measure and wrap it around the chain cover from the point when it hits the body of your chainsaw to the tip. The most common parameters are 20, 16, and 18 inches. Do not worry if you could not accurately calculate the size of the chain. You can be chain increases or decreases.

Chain length

Count the pitch numbers and drive links. Add two links to this value and get the required number.

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Chain pitch

Consider the distance between the rivets. They serve to hold the chain together, any measurement between three consecutive rivets should give you the perfect definition of the right chain length.

All of the above can certainly help you. But if you are not confident in your abilities, we recommend that you contact professionals.

Precautionary measures to take when chainsaw chains keeps coming off

It is very important to observe safety hazard precautions and not expose yourself to any risks. Therefore, in any case, you should not use a chainsaw that has a blade flying off.

There are several rules that will help regulate your behavior when using a chainsaw. Fix loose blades is very important, otherwise, accidents cannot be avoided.

  • Hold the chainsaw firmly: both hands must hold the device
  • Plan the cut
  • Rollback: Pay attention to the rollback zone
  • Protective gear
  • Reducing Rollback
  • Your position during work: the left foot is 45 degrees in front. The right leg is behind.

We recommend that you do a pull test before using the chainsaw.

Should the chain move in a specific direction?

If you decide to replace a chain that is constantly coming off the crossbar, then a question arises. Do I need to move in a certain direction?

The truth is that the chains have to move in a certain direction. In addition to the fact that the machine is ineffective in cases where the chain turns in the opposite direction, there’s a risk of injury.

To determine if it rotates correctly, check it from the top, front, sides, and bottom. Usually, chainsaws rotate clockwise. However, note that viewing a rotation from above is not the same as viewing it from below. The latter is always the opposite, so this should not be a cause for alarm.

chainsaw chain is too long

Chapter FAQ

Why does my chain on my chainsaw keep coming off?

There may be several reasons, but the main four are:
the drive sprocket is worn-out,
the bar heel may be worn-out,
the wrongly set chainsaw Chain Tension,
and The chain travels may be in poor condition.
Also, chain movements can be difficult due to mechanic al problems.

How do you fix a slipped chain on a chainsaw?

If the reason is weak chain tension, it is necessary to tighten the chain a little. And it does not matter which chain or other models. Their device and principle of operation are the same. To eliminate the malfunction, they act as follows:
Loosen the nut that secures the tire.
Using a screwdriver, turn the adjusting screw next to the tire.
Then tighten the nut.
Check the course – it should be smooth, not too tight, but also without sagging.
If necessary, they are corrected and checked again.

Why does my chain keep going loose?

This can happen due to the following reasons: thread, voltage adjustment screws, guide panel, and incorrect circuit. Also, when using a full-throttle chain, the parts wear out faster.

How do you adjust the chain tension on a chainsaw?

If the unit is equipped with a modern tension mechanism, then you will need to manually move a special wheel to adjust the chain tension. The movement of the wheel contributes to the displacement of the tire, which is achieved by a special mechanism consisting of a sprocket and a chain tension washer.
The main advantage of such a system is that the adjustment is performed without the use of additional tools, which means that the time spent on performing the procedure is reduced.

Conclusion: Why My Chainsaw Chain Is Slipping off

The chainsaw chain keeps coming on various occasions. They need to be identified immediately so that the work is safe. There are four main reasons why the chainsaw chain keeps coming off.

If none of the methods helped you, and the chainsaw chain keeps coming off, then contact a specialist, or just change it completely or use our post on How to cut wood without a saw.

Before carrying out any work with the chainsaw, fixing loose chainsaw chains. Full throttle when using a faulty circuit can cause mechanical damage to the surface of the skin and bones. In case of faulty circuits, try to avoid using full throttle.

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