What Is The Reason My Chainsaw Chain Is Slipping Off: 4 why

What Is the Reason My Chainsaw Chain Is Slipping off: Find and Fix It

Tools for gardening should always be in good condition. This is due to the fact that they can be useful at any time. In addition, such tools have an increased risk of injury. To avoid any damage, you need to keep the tools in order.

In order to carry out any work related to forest management, you will need a chainsaw. The chainsaw helps to cut large pieces of wood, and also helps in various farming matters. But unfortunately, it happens that the chainsaw chain moves away and breaks.

Why is this happening and how to fix it? What is the reason my chainsaw chain is slipping off? That’s what we’ll talk about in today’s article.

chain tension, chainsaw chains, loose chainsaw chains, chain teeth

Why Is the Chainsaw Chain Coming off?

If you are wondering why the chain on your chainsaw is coming loose, then there are some problems in the mechanism.

There are four main reasons for this problem:

  • drive sprocket is worn-out,
  • bar heel may be worn-out,
  • wrongly set chainsaw chain tension,
  • the bar rails may be in poor condition.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the possible causes of the breakdown.

Worn out drive sprocket or poorly secured

proper length, full throttle

One of the frequent problems that lead to the chain jumping off is the problem with the leading internal sprocket. This often happens either due to wear of the part, or due to improper installation.

Let’s take a closer look at how to properly install the leading star so that the chain does not jump off.

How to repair a drive sprocket

First, you need to remove the protective cover of the engine. Then remove the protective cover of the candle and pull out the air filter.

Now, take a special twist and remove the candle. You can do this in a circular motion. Put in its place a special stopper that will fix the piston in a certain position. With the key, unscrew the clutch disc clockwise.

This should be done until the piston takes the topmost position. To better understand the installation, just look into the hole of the candle, the piston will be located at the bottom.

Chainsaw Chain Direction Of Travel | SOLVED: What to Do?

Use a rope or something similar

As a stopper, it would be nice to take a thick rope. It can be folded several times. So you will get the perfect tool. After you have fixed the part, clamp the drive sprocket by scrolling the clutch disc counterclockwise.

At the very end, after clamping, do the same thing, only in reverse order and assemble the chainsaw. The tire is inserted into a special mounting hole and bolted. After that, you can install protection. After installation, the adjusting tension will return to normal.

If the worn out drive sprocket, then simply replace it with a new one according to the instructions. The inevitably stretch will be when worn out drives sprockets.

Chainsaw bar heel may be worn-out

The wear of the chainsaw bar heel in 50% of cases is the cause of chainsaw chain failure. The chainsaw bar heel wear is a spare part that is located near the drive sprocket.

When the core heel wears out, it lengthens the distance that the chains will pass, respectively, the grooves become less effective. If the chain is too far away, guiding bar can jump and jump off. The guiding bar is often the main problem.

Chainsaw bar heel fixing, worn out bar heel , chainsaw chain coming, chain length, proper tension, chainsaw chains

Wrongly set chainsaw chain tension or deformed

Another option why your chainsaw chain jumps off the chainsaw may be a worn chainsaw chain or an incorrectly installed chain. Both reasons are common in the modern world.

As you know, metal has the property of changing shape over time. If the metal in the chain is deformed, the best option would be to throw it out and buy a new chainsaw chain. But still there are several ways that will help you return the old chain to its normal appearance.

How to fix the old chain

To do this, you will need:

  • a vise,
  • a file,
  • an electric welding machine,
  • a hammer,
  • pliers,
  • beard.

There are also a variety of service kits available for sale, such as those by Stihl.

It is very difficult to disconnect the new chain in a chainsaw, since it is made of high-strength materials, but it is not impossible. You can try to grind it with a file.

Then you need to knock out the rivets. You can do this with a beard. Leave the broken rivets, there is a small chance that you will be able to find new ones. You will not be able to make these yourself, and there are no such rivets in the markets.

How to make the chainsaw chain shorter?

Next, to make the chainsaw chain shorter, divide it in two places. The main thing is to observe the following rule: the number of guides on the inside of the chainsaw chains and the distance between them must be combined with the leading sprocket.

After chainsaw users remove all the necessary links, put the chainsaw chains in place with rivets. In some cases, you will need a welding machine to attach the rivets to large parts of the links. Next, use a file to grind off the excess.

A lawn mower and a gasoline trimmer will help to maintain order in your suburban area. Do not forget about the chainsaw lubricant. It will make the work easier.

Construction of chainsaw chain, chainsaw chains,

The bar rails may be in poor condition

Another reason for the chain coming loose is the poor condition of the rails. Rails are subjected to a large amount of work, as a result of which they wear out quickly. Also, at fast speeds and working on the flap, the service life is reduced even more.

Usually, a sign that the rails have worn out is the loss of smooth grip with the guide. Chainsaws in such situations will often go off the chainsaw guide bar.

How Do You Tighten Loose Chainsaw Blade?

After getting acquainted with the possible causes of problems, the question arises, but how to tighten the free blade with broken teeth of a chainsaw nose?

Let’s look at the “dime” method. It’s long term solution. Dime method involves placing a penny between the rod and the target when adjusting the tension. There are a few more interesting ways to fix the tension adjustment screws, but first, let’s summarize.

The chainsaw chain inevitably stretches, accordingly, after a while it becomes free. Sawing wood with the wrong chain links can be life-threatening, so you need to fix this defect because you don’t want to get injured while working.

Let’s quickly get acquainted with more tension and how it looks right.

Bad/improper tension

In order to determine whether the loose chain is, you need to remove it from the guiding bar. A chain that easily comes off the guiding bar needs over tightening. Check the discs, if they are not connected, we recommend adjusting the proper tension.

Good/proper tension

To determine a proper tension, pay attention to the drive links. If the disk connections are as expected, then you can get to work.

There should be small gaps between the chain and the guiding bar, so you will understand that everything is fine. But these gaps should not be too large, otherwise, they will not effectively cut the wood.

Chainsaw Blade to tighten

Fixing chainsaw blade that keeps coming off: Vital steps to follow

The correct loose chain tension in the chainsaw indicates that you can get to work. But if you need to fix something, then be sure to follow the following recommendations, otherwise, you may get into an unpleasant situation.

Step 1

First, you need to loosen the chainsaw chain and the damaged bar rails before properly adjusting them to the right chain tension. If the chainsaw brake is attached to two components on the side panel, start by unscrewing the brake before removing the side panel.

Step 2

Adjust the tension screw. The tension screw is located on the side of the guide rods. Tighten it and the improper chain tension will increase. And if you do the opposite, then the chain will be weaker.

Step 3

You need to tighten the guide bar and clutch cover nuts on the side panel. Lift the chainsaw nose of the chainsaw along guide bar to make sure that the chain has a uniform tension around the rod.

If you do everything according to the recommendations, the chain will not fly off. If there are still problems, then you may have to change the chainsaw chain.

Before you buy a new chain, measure the length of the old one. The best options with good reviews are the 16-inch 8 THEN chain, as well as the 20-inch and 16-inch Husqvarna chain. It is long term solution.

Chainsaw needs repair

What to Do If Chainsaw Chains Fails to Tighten

There are also situations when the chainsaw chain for ripping firewood does not want to tighten. Even if you have met all of the above conditions, the chain may not be tightened for a number of reasons. Let’s look at some of the reasons why this can happen.


Possible thread in the chainsaw body is removed. The thread is needed to hold the screw to adjust the improper tension.

Tension adjustment screw wrench

If the tension adjustment screw wrench continues to rotate, there is a high probability that it will be removed. In such a situation, it is better to replace it with a new one.

Guide bar rails

Make sure that the guide bar rail is installed correctly. An incorrectly installed rod greatly affects the adjusting chain tension. The loose guide bar rail, if improperly installed and stretched, can have serious consequences. It is also very dangerous to work with a faulty guide bar rails.

High speed wears out the guiding bars faster. If you want to extend the life of the guiding bars, then do not use very high speed.

Wrong chain

Maybe you just installed the wrong loose chains. The wrong size will bring a lot of trouble.

What is the solution for chains that won’t tighten

We have talked about the reasons, now we will deal with ways to solve these problems.

Remove a chain link

The most basic step in such situations is to remove one link or more to help solve this problem. Usually, there is one master link. This is done to make other links easier to remove.

Using a flat-head screw, you need to open the link, and then use pliers to remove the end link. Depending on how many links you want to remove, repeat this process. The most important thing is to observe safety precautions. The drive links remain intact if the rules of use are followed.

chainsaw chain in work, chain link , right chain length , right chain length, tension screw, tension screw, loose blades

Chainsaw Chain: Determining the Right Length for Your Machine

As soon as you realized that it was time to change the loose chains completely, a question arises. And how long is the chain needed? How to determine the required size correctly?

Let’s take it in order. Firstly, chains are not universal. Depending on the type of most chainsaws, the length of the product will vary, so you need to measure it before fitting it to your chainsaw. Another tip would be that you need to take into account the measurement of the rod. There are several other ways.

Drive links

Determine the ideal chain length that will be needed for your powerful wood cutting machine by stretching the loose chain on a flat surface. Next, find the drive links on the inside of the chain. With the number of drive links that are in-depth, you will be able to make the right choice.

The distance between the body and the tip of most chainsaws: Take a tape measure and wrap it around the chain cover from the point when it hits the body of your chainsaw to the tip. The most common parameters are 20, 16, and 18 inches. Do not worry if you could not accurately calculate the size of the chain. You can be chain increases or decreases.

Chain length

Count the pitch numbers and drive links. Add two links to this value and get the required number.

Chain pitch

Consider the distance between the rivets. They serve to hold the chain together, any measurement between three consecutive rivets should give you the perfect definition of the right chain length.

All of the above can certainly help you. But if you are not confident in your abilities, we recommend that you contact professionals.

Precautionary measures to take when chainsaw chains keeps coming off

It is very important to observe safety hazard precautions and not expose yourself to any risks. Therefore, in any case, you should not use a chainsaw that has a blade flying off.

There are several rules that will help regulate your behavior when using a chainsaw. Fix loose blades is very important, otherwise, accidents cannot be avoided.

  • Hold the chainsaw firmly: both hands must hold the device
  • Plan the cut
  • Rollback: Pay attention to the rollback zone
  • Protective gear
  • Reducing Rollback
  • Your position during work: the left foot is 45 degrees in front. The right leg is behind.

We recommend that you do a pull test before using the chainsaw.

Should the chain move in a specific direction?

If you decide to replace a chain that is constantly coming off the crossbar, then a question arises. Do I need to move in a certain direction?

The truth is that the chains have to move in a certain direction. In addition to the fact that the machine is ineffective in cases where the chain turns in the opposite direction, there’s a risk of injury.

To determine if it rotates correctly, check it from the top, front, sides, and bottom. Usually, chainsaws rotate clockwise. However, note that viewing a rotation from above is not the same as viewing it from below. The latter is always the opposite, so this should not be a cause for alarm.

chainsaw chain is too long

Chapter FAQ

Why does my chain on my chainsaw keep coming off?

There may be several reasons, but the main four are:
the drive sprocket is worn-out,
the bar heel may be worn-out,
the wrongly set chainsaw Chain Tension,
and The chain travels may be in poor condition.
Also, chain movements can be difficult due to mechanic al problems.

How do you fix a slipped chain on a chainsaw?

If the reason is weak chain tension, it is necessary to tighten the chain a little. And it does not matter which chain or other models. Their device and principle of operation are the same. To eliminate the malfunction, they act as follows:
Loosen the nut that secures the tire.
Using a screwdriver, turn the adjusting screw next to the tire.
Then tighten the nut.
Check the course – it should be smooth, not too tight, but also without sagging.
If necessary, they are corrected and checked again.

Why does my chain keep going loose?

This can happen due to the following reasons: thread, voltage adjustment screws, guide panel, and incorrect circuit. Also, when using a full-throttle chain, the parts wear out faster.

How do you adjust the chain tension on a chainsaw?

If the unit is equipped with a modern tension mechanism, then you will need to manually move a special wheel to adjust the chain tension. The movement of the wheel contributes to the displacement of the tire, which is achieved by a special mechanism consisting of a sprocket and a chain tension washer.
The main advantage of such a system is that the adjustment is performed without the use of additional tools, which means that the time spent on performing the procedure is reduced.

Conclusion: Why My Chainsaw Chain Is Slipping off

The chainsaw chain keeps coming on various occasions. They need to be identified immediately so that the work is safe. There are four main reasons why the chainsaw chain keeps coming off.

If none of the methods helped you, and the chainsaw chain keeps coming off, then contact a specialist, or just change it completely or use our post on How to cut wood without a saw.

Before carrying out any work with the chainsaw, fixing loose chainsaw chains. Full throttle when using a faulty circuit can cause mechanical damage to the surface of the skin and bones. In case of faulty circuits, try to avoid using full throttle.

Here’s something to help:

Hackberry Firewood Is A Nice For Firing: Guide & 4 FAQ Here

Is hackberry firewood good?  Worth messing with?

Does a hackberry tree make good firewood? The short answer is ‘Yes and No’. Some firewoods far surpass hackberry in terms of heat output. However, this wood is not as useless, as some might claim. It has its applications, and sometimes the hackberry firewood is absolutely irreplaceable. Let’s take a closer look at it.

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image credit: cdn.shopify.com

Hackberry tree features

Hackberry tree (lat. Celtis occidentalis) is a medium-sized tree that is native to North America. Its natural habitat stretches from the East Coast all the way West to Kansas.

You can easily identify it by an unusual bark that has bizarrely shaped step-like protrusions.

From September to October (depending on the local climate) hackberry tree bears fruit, small violet or dark blue berries that will stay on the branches till next spring. Inside the berry, there’s a single pit and a little flesh. The pit can be hard but you can still chew it if you’re careful. This might not sound very appetizing but the unimpressive fruit is edible, very nutritious, and quite tasty.

Despite its usefulness for people and fauna alike hackeberry tree is sometimes considered an unwelcome guest in some communities. The tree grows very well in urban areas and can occasionally suppress other species.

Hackberry wood properties

Hackberry is considered a hardwood. At the same time, in contrast to other trees of the same type hackberry is not deemed very valuable.

The reason is that hackberry wood is prone to rot and parasites. Because of that the furniture made of heckberry wood does not last very long, even if it’s been treated with large amounts of finisher.

At the same time, hackberry is perfectly suitable for smaller projects.

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image credit: cookwoods.com

Is Hackberry good firewood?

Hackberry tree does not make very good firewood, mainly because of its low heat output.

The heat output of fuel is measured in BTU or British Thermal Units. When burned a cord of hackberry produces 21 million BTU. In comparison, traditional firewoods like white oak and hickory produce 30 million BTU worth of heat. Eucalyptus firewood has a higher thermal conductivity; its properties are slightly different from hackberry wood.

Another reason why hackberry trees are not used as fuel that often is that it’s quite difficult to store them for a long time.

As I mentioned, hackberry wood is quite prone to rot, so it is important to keep it under the cover in a dry well-ventilated area. This is true for all firewood types but with hackberry, you need to be extra cautious. Let’s compare hackberry firewood a ash firewood frame.

Is Hackberry good for anything?

Nevertheless, hackberry firewood has its advantages.

For one, hackberry burns long and stably. If it is seasoned well, there will be no sparks and very little smoke. And once the fire burns out, you are left with hot quality coals that are going to give off steady heat for hours. Besides, burning hackberry has a very pleasant smell.

All of that makes hackberry wood ideal for indoor use, for example, in wood stoves and fireplaces. The leftover coal is great for grilling and smoking meat.

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image credit: decorbug.com

Contrary to what some people believe hackberry is not at all toxic. So the meats cooked over hackberry embers are perfectly safe to eat.

Another advantage is low wood density. Even though hackberry is classified as a hardwood it is comparatively soft and in addition to that has a straight grain. Because of that it is quite easy to split Hackberry by hand.

Finally, burning hackberry generates a low amount of creosote. Creosote is an oily and toxic combustion product.

When wood is burned creosote rises with the smoke and eventually ends up on the chimney walls.

The creosote accumulation is the main reason why you have to clean your chimney regularly.

Processing hackberry logs

Before you can use it as firewood, hackberry wood just like any other type of wood needs to be split and seasoned.

Seasoning reduces moisture content in the wood which is essential for a couple of reasons.

First, high moisture content impedes the burning process. Unseasoned wood will hardly burn at all. It will just produce a lot of smoke or rather smoke mixed with water vapor.

Moreover, the small pockets of moisture trapped inside the wood will rapidly expand once the temperature starts climbing up, and this will lead to sparking and popping.

Second, the firewood stacked for seasoning just lasts longer. Wood logs piled up out in the open will inevitably start to decay. This is especially true for hackberry wood since, as I mentioned earlier, it is very susceptible to rot.

The good news is that the hackberry is relatively easy to split. In terms of firmness, hackberry compares to birch.

It means that you can split hackberry by hand and won’t need to resort to a hydraulic splitter, for example.

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image credit: i.ytimg.com


The split wood should be properly stacked. While stacking hackberry firewood, you need to keep a couple of important factors in mind.

First. The stacks should be elevated above the ground level to allow for better air circulation. Stacks of wood will prevent water from properly evaporating off of the ground surface.

It means that excessive moisture will be trapped under the seasoning firewood which will create favorable conditions for fungal infections i.e. rot. So it is probably a good idea to put your hackberry firewood on some wood pallets.

Second. Leave 2-3 inches gaps between the rows of firewood. This will generate additional airflow and thus help your firewood to season faster and more efficiently.

Third. Find a proper place for seasoning firewood. Windy areas that receive a lot of sunshine are the best. So try not to stack your firewood in the shadow, on the Northern side of a building.

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image credit: i.ytimg.com

Fourth. Even though wind and sun are your best friends when seasoning hackberry wood, it still makes sense to shelter the wood from other elements. Loosely cover the top of the stack with some tarpaulin to protect hackberry from the rain, hail, and snow.

If you’ve done everything correctly, it will take hackberry firewood up to 15 months to season properly. Of course, it is hard to tell the exact duration since seasoning greatly depends on the wood quality as well as the local climate.

For instance, if you live in a humid and cold climate hackberry will only be completely seasoned after two years. In warmer conditions, 12 months will suffice.

If you decide to harvest some dead wood, the seasoning process will take even less time. Dead hackberry will be good to go after just two months of seasoning.


Is hackberry good firewood? The answer is ‘yes’ and ‘no’. It might not be the best wood in terms of heat output but it certainly does have its benefits.

For example, it is characterized by low smoke production and great coaling properties. That makes it a good firewood for the indoors. After the firewood is mostly burned out, the warm embers will radiate steady and gentle heat for most of the night. That also means that you can use hackberry wood to smoke meat. What about Bradford pear firewood?

All in all, hackberry is a decent firewood choice that is available throughout many states.


Is hackberry wood good firewood?

Traditionally, hackberry is not considered good firewood due to its low heat production. At the same time, it is certainly not the worst, since it burns long and steadily with minimal smoke.
Burning hackberry firewood in combination with other woods will yield the best results.

Is hackberry safe to burn?

Is hackberry wood toxic? No. Contrary to a pretty common misconception, burning hackberry firewood is safe. The smoke has a characteristic and pleasant smell but it is not an indication of some volatile and harmful chemical compounds.

How long does hackberry firewood need to season?

Freshly felled hackberry needs to season for about 12 months. Fallen hackberry logs generally have a lower moisture content and do not have to be seasoned for as long. Two months is usually enough.

Is hackberry wood good for anything?

Even though hackberry wood does not give off as much heat as other woods it can still be quite useful.

It is great for indoor use in warmer climates and during shoulder season. It does not spark or soot your chimney for it produces low smoke. Besides burning hackberry will fill your house with a nice mild fragrance.

In addition to that, the aromatic properties and the high coal production make it perfectly suited for smoking meats.

And of course, you can use hackberry wood for your woodworking projects. It is not as durable as white oak or maple, so you can’t make furniture with it. However, you can opt for some smaller wood articles like picture frames, small boxes, etc.

How to Clean a Chainsaw: Top Tips In One Guide

How to Clean a Chainsaw: Top Tips in One Guide

The chainsaw chain needs to be cleaned regularly. After the next use, the chainsaw chain becomes clogged much more than any other tool. Sawdust mixed with wood dust in oils for the chainsaw chain, creates a mixture that is extremely dirty and not so easy to get rid of. So, our topic for today is how to clean a chainsaw.

To do this without partially disassembling the saw is problematic with dirt and ammonia solution. It is better to drain the remaining gasoline. And if you do not plan to use the saw for a long time after cleaning, then you should start it up again and let the gasoline remaining in the chainsaw carburetor work out at idle. So the motor will be better preserved.

Tools Needed to Clean a Chainsaw

The tools needed to clean a chainsaw include:

  • wire brush
  • grease or degreaser
  • universal cleaner
  • a tool for cleaning the grooves of the rod (for example, a knife)
  • warm water
  • a tool for cleaning oil holes (for example, flat-head screwdrivers)
  • air compressor (optional)
  • cleaning method

You can buy everything you need in specialized hardware store or from the original manufacturer if you’re a fan of a certain brand.

Chainsaw cleaners for STIHL fans

Pre-Step: Removing the Bar and Chain

If you have managed to keep the universal tool supplied with the saw and guide bar, you will not need any other tools for this procedure. The guide bar, and chain oil slides off the mounting bolts as soon as you unscrew the nuts and remove thin screwdriver the sprocket cover with a universal tool or a socket wrench.

Don’t forget to turn off the brake before doing this – the chain should be able to turn, and on some saws, the cover is difficult to replace chain if the brake is on when you remove it. The chain is easier to remove from the rod and sprocket if you loosen the tension by turning the tension screw counterclockwise with a universal tool or a flat-head screwdriver.

1 Step: Cleaning the Chain


Before cleaning the tool, it is necessary to drain the fuel from the tank, remove the saw chain and put it in oil, and also check for possible damage.

According to service specialists, upon completion of the work, it is necessary to clean the main elements of the chainsaw for owner’s manual.

A chain brake whose contamination during operation with sawdust, shavings, and other debris will lead to deterioration of its operation. This element is cleaned with kerosene.

The best ways to clean chainsaw compressed air filters are simple tapping and purging. To eliminate more serious contamination, we recommend that you pre-immerse the part in a tank with a non-flammable liquid detergent. You can use warm soapy water. The filter must be thoroughly dried before installation. In case of damage to the filter material, the corresponding elements must be replaced immediately.


Check the presence of excess oil from the chainsaw bar and groove, if it is over, top up to the desired level. If the chainsaw bar or chain is loose, tighten it. If necessary, top up the required amount of fuel mixture.

The driven tire sprocket should be lubricated and immersed in heated dripping oil from bar studs after every hour of tool operation.

We recommend using only eco-friendly cleaning solution products for clean the tool, which are common in the field of specialized trade. It is forbidden to clean a chainsaw with gasoline!

Remove the chainsaw chain for proper cleaning

2 Step: How to Clean a Chainsaw Powerhead

Answering the question, how to clean a chainsaw, we would like to note the following. Remove the top cover and air filter from the chainsaw with two nuts. Pay attention to the cover at the top of the chainsaw body next to the handle. Remove the lid by unscrewing the plastic clips or unscrewing the nuts with a wrench.

Worthwhile tip

Insert a rag into the hole where the air filter was located so that sawdust or dirt does not get into the engine.

Clean and rinse the filter to clean it of dust and dirt. Use a soft-bristled brush to brush away dust, dirt or debris around the air filter with side cover. After you have cleaned as much as you can, rinse the entire filter under warm water. Clean the filter again while it is wet to remove all other raised residues.

Remove and clean the chainsaw carburetor with compressed air. The chainsaw carburetor looks like a small metal box under the air filter of your chainsaw. Find the nuts holding the carburetor on your saw and loosen them with a wrench. Carefully remove the carburetor with accumulate underneath and spray it with short jets of compressed air to blow away all the debris and sawdust in the compartment.

What about the spark plug

Remove and inspect the old chain and spark plug. The old spark plug is a cylindrical metal part and is usually located directly above the air filter of your chainsaw.

When replacing the spark plug, make sure that the gap between the metal part of the L-shape and the top of the the spark plug connector is 0.026 inches (0.66 mm). Insert a new spark plug connector so that the narrow end is pointing upwards, and screw it tightly.

Then put everything back in place.

Drain the old fuel and add new fuel

Answering the question, of how to clean a chainsaw, we would like to note the following. To clean the chainsaw efficiently, you will need the following tools:

  • cross and flat screwdriver,
  • wrenches with heads of different sizes,
  • special cleaning compound, cleaning cloth,
  • ultrasonic cleaner.

Chainsaw cleaning and maintenance

3 Step: How to Clean a Chainsaw Carburetor

Cleaning the carburetor or chain brake of a chainsaw should be done according to the following algorithm:

  • First you need to drain the remaining all the debris in fuel from the fuel tank with putty knife. Remove the chainsaw cover by unscrewing the fasteners. We take out the filter with thin screwdriver and disassemble the housing, removing the nuts and clamps if necessary.
  • We remove the fuel one cup of mixture supply with paper towels hose with putty knife from its lock, unscrew the fasteners of the upper carburetor clutch cover.
  • Then we remove the top cover and the blue gasket – this is the fuel pump membrane with a t wrench. To the left of the housing there are spring brackets, remove and replace them, and then the screws. It is advisable to sign the parts and schematically fix the places from which they were removed with help a reverse order, so as not to confuse anything at the time of assembly.


Never disregard safety rules when handling the chainsaw or its parts!

  • Next, remove and build up the lower cover of the carburetor with battery or gas powered chainsaw or bar with air intake, unscrew the screw and remove the needle valve and the spring under it. Then, by longitudinal force, we remove well ventilated area and its axis.
  • We remove the throttle flap with household ammonia, the drive lever and the throttle axle.
  • All the removed parts of the carburetor with air intake are laid out on a flat surface and inspected for integrity. Parts with a high degree of wear must be replaced dirt with new ones.
  • With the help of a specialized clean rag agent, we wash the parts with cooling fins and dry them with a lint-free cloth. The tubes must be purged under pressure using a pump.

What else should I know about my chainsaw’s carburetor?

  • To achieve maximum effect, you can clean the carburetor with battery on a chainsaw engine using a special how to clean a chainsaw in bath, which is based on the cavitation effect. The bath is filled with diesel fuel of one gallon, the carburetor with thin screwdriver parts are immersed in it for three hours and a few minutes. At the end, we dry the parts with a pump.

After work, do not forget to clean cloth, as the oils freezes quickly.

If you want more details, welcome to the related post How to Clean a Chainsaw Carburetor in Simple and Easy Steps?

More information on carburetor settings can be found here: How to Adjust a Poulan Chainsaw Carburetor: What Every Owner Needs to Know.

How do I clean my chainsaw

4 Step: How to Clean a Chainsaw Air Filter

How to flush a chainsaw filter:

  • Unscrew the top cover. The desired compartment is located in the upper part of the case near the handle, regardless of the brand — whether it is a Husk, Storm, or Partner.
  • Take out the filter — it can be nested or screwed on with screws.
  • Wash the foam filter with warm water and soap and dry completely it in the air. When cleaning household ammonia with gasoline, the service life of the filter is reduced.

How much does a new air filter cost?

Before you take the time to clean your filter, assess whether it makes sense, it may already be time to buy a new one.

  • Paper towels, mesh, felt — can be power running by lightly tapping the edge on a dense surface. They are also well cleaned/purged with a compressor or vacuum cleaner.
  • All dirt in the space around the engine to run hot must be wiped.
  • Install the chainsaw air filter back, and make sure that all the grooves and parts fit tightly into place. Close the side panel and tighten the screws.
  • If the filter began to deform, became denser and thinner, holes and cuts appeared — it must be replaced.

5 Step: Cleaning Carburetor’s Intake Components

Answering the question, how to clean a chainsaw, we would like to note the following. The intake components of your carburetor with rope rotor area are located under the air filter. They include a throttle valve and several other parameters that help control the amount of air entering the combustion chamber (the space around the compressed air filter fuel injection site):

  • The channels of high and low rpm are also cleaned, from where the adjusting screws were unscrewed
  • Similarly, the channels are purged from the other side of the carburetor with clutch drum.
  • The cleaning process will not be effective if you do not purge the channels of idle, low and high rpm. To do this, the throttle opens, and access to these channels opens, which should be blown
  • If these channels are oxidized, the cleaner may not help in cleaning spark plugs and plug, so it is possible that an ultrasound bath will be needed


Thoroughly dry washed components before putting them back into the mechanism

  • After flushing the mechanism, the channels should be purged. This should be done carefully, holding the purge gun at an appropriate distance of 5 cm
  • Next, the device is assembled. The filter mesh must be cleaned with help cooling fins, blown and installed in place
  • When installing the needle, it should also be thoroughly cleaned of oxides using a clinker
  • The adjusting screws also need to be cleaned with a cooling fins, after which we screw them into place. They need to be screwed up to the stop, and then loosen by 1.25-1.5 turns.

Cleaning Carburetor Intake Components

Cleaning a Chainsaw without Opening/Removing It:

Answering the question, of how to clean a chainsaw, we would like to note the following.

Blend the cleaner with gas chainsaw

First, mix some carburetor cleaner with gas powered chainsaw in the fuel tank of your chainsaw. According to experts, 4 ounces of B12 sea foam spray carburetor with spark plugs cleaner should be mixed with a handful of gas chainsaws. Add carburetor cleaner to the gas chainsaws’ tank little by little, using a funnel.

Run your chainsaw at an idle or slow speed

After mixing the carburetor cleaner with gasoline, start the electric chainsaw. Let the electric chainsaw to run at low RPM/idle for a few minutes. This allows fluid to flow through the carburetor with extremely dirty, fuel lines and the engine with power output at idle.

Clean the pilot air jet

If you want to clean the carburetor of your chainsaw tools even more thoroughly, add some B12 aerosol to a dense air jet. The intake pipe consists of this carburetor with spark plugs component. Because of its sensitivity and potential danger, if it is damaged, it is usually hidden from prying eyes. The regulating air jet of the carburetor with clutch cover of your chainsaw tools models can be found in the user manual of your chainsaw tool.

Test your chainsaw chain

Use the fuel recommended by the manufacturer. Never use gasoline, gaseous fuel, or coarse-grained oil in your chainsaw unless specifically approved by the manufacturer and properly maintained. Start your chainsaw and work gently scrub at full speed to test it.

How Often Should I Clean My Chainsaw?

How often you should clean your chainsaw will depend on many factors, including how often and how intensively you use your chainsaw (as well as on what type of wood you use it on).

Most experts generally agreed that you should clean the saw every few months if you use it frequently, or at least once a year if you use it only occasionally.

If you notice that your chainsaw is not working as efficiently as before, perhaps a good cleaning is all you need to get it back into fighting shape.

Remember these moments when you learn how to clean a chainsaw – and try to do it as often as possible! Improper care causes many problems, among them: 8 Reasons chainsaw burning the wood: Causes and solutions.

What Can Pollution Affect?

  • Clogging of the cylinder ribs – this can become a source of additional heating of the engine during operation.
  • Clogging of the starter vents and flywheel blades – this will make it difficult to cool the engine during operation.
  • Clogging the air filter will disrupt the proportion of the fuel–air mixture into the engine, respectively, its operating mode.
  • Clogging of the carburetor channels will disrupt (or completely stop) the fuel supply to the engine.

How do I clean my chainsaw?

As often as possible!  As you can see, timely maintenance and cleaning extends the life of your chainsaw.

  • Clogging of oils channels, front chain brake tape – this will disrupt the operation of the oil supply, disrupt the operation of the emergency brake of the front chain brake too.
  • Operation of a chainsaw. A few tips.We recommend cleaning gas chainsaw from sawdust and other contaminants after each work with the tool. It won’t take much time, but it will noticeably extend the main nodes of your unit. That’s probably all we wanted to tell you about.

Keeping your chainsaw clean is a sign of professionalism, just in case you’re thinking about a career as an arborist: Becoming a Certified Arborist: The Ultimate Path to Arboriculture Success.

How to Clean a Chainsaw in Simple Steps

Chapter FAQs

Can you clean a chainsaw carburetor without taking it apart?

It is better to disassemble the guide bar and chain oil in the carburetor in order to clean it thoroughly and prevent future damage from dirt, grime, and corrosion particles.

How do you know if your carburetor is clogged?

The easiest way to know if your carburetor is clogged with dirt and grime is if the chainsaw starts slowing down when you rev it up. If that’s the case, then there are probably some particles stuck in its air intake system.

Can you spray carb cleaner on a chainsaw?

An automotive carb cleaner is not meant for sea foam spray directly on a guide bar in chainsaw. If you are using aerosol carburetor cleaners, place the can at least 12 inches away from your side bar in chainsaw while working it to ensure that there’s no misfire or accidental spray of carb cleaner on bar.

What is the best thing to clean a carburetor with?

The best thing to clean a carburetor with is aerosol B12. Not only will it dissolve the gummy residue, but it won’t damage any of its sensitive parts in the process of carefully pull.

Can you use WD40 to clean the carburetor?

The WD-40 carb cleaner is a fast-acting solvent solution that uses a solvent formula to remove stubborn carbon deposits from your carburetor. Any unpainted metal components may be cleaned with WD-40’s combination of cleaners

Can vinegar be used to clean a chainsaw carburetor?

It is extremely important to use a non-aggressive detergent that will not damage the plastic or rubber parts of the carburetor. Due to the acetic acid contained in vinegar, the metal becomes susceptible to corrosion, so it is better not to use vinegar to clean the carburetor of a chainsaw


Answering the question, how to clean a chainsaw, we would like to note the following. The cleaning process does not depend on the brand of the chainsaw. The difference lies only in the design features.

For example, the Calm and Huskvarna carburetors are additionally equipped with jets. Brass or copper can be used for their manufacture. When cleaning the complete mess in carburetors of such chainsaw models however, the jets also need to be dismantled and cleaned. Carefully study what can i use for chainsaw bar oil to keep your chainsaw running great.

Timely clean a chainsaw engine carburetor unit will work efficiently and without interruptions. And finally, let us give you advice on how to clean and keep the chainsaw in perfect condition.

8 Reasons chainsaw burning the wood: Causes and solutions

8 Reasons chainsaw burning the wood: Causes and solutions

The maintenance of your outdoor areas and gardens to be an essential chore. It’s essential to have a chainsaw in case you have to chop wood. But, sometimes the chainsaw’s chains get hot and it becomes difficult cutting wood. And the wood gets burned because of this. Reasons chainsaw burning the wood.

While you may observe burn marks on trees’ trunks and branches, they aren’t sure what the cause of the issue with your chainsaw is. In order to determine the cause of the problem, and particularly, to ensure that you are able to resume use of your chainsaw in a normal circumstances manner some checks are required.

In this piece we’ll discuss the most common causes for the chainsaw burning wood or producing smoke. We’ll also discuss ways to fix the issue. If you want to learn how to prune trees correctly and get a certificate, read our article How to Become an Arborist.

chainsaw burning the wood

Why Does My Chainsaw Burn Wood as I Cut? Understanding the Causes

Chainsaws burning wood is much more frequent than you think and could be caused by:

  • An boring chain
  • High-rakers
  • A chain is put onto the back
  • An issue with the Bar oiler.

A Dull Saw Chainsaw Burning the Wood to Smoke and Burning wood

The primary source of burning and smoking wood is most likely an uninteresting and sharp chain that happens even to us. Chainsaws generate a lot of heat when they cut. In normal circumstances conditions sharp chainsaws can cut through wood before the heat is able to develop, but in the event that a chain’s surface is dull it will heat rapidly, which causes the wood to smoke, then end up burning as the chainsaw works it’s way through the forest.

If that’s the case Sharpening your chainsaw is a good idea to help to solve the issue. Make sure you keep your chain sharp, razor-sharp!

How to Check if Your Chain is Dull

How to Check if Your Chain is Dull

There are a number of quick ways to know the need for your chainsaw to be well sharpened.

  1. A chain that is sharp and well-maintained is likely to produce larger pieces of wood. Chainsaws work as a chisel and strips wood from the ground, but not cutting it. If your chainsaw produces pieces that look like saw dust, rather than chunks of solid chunks wood It is most likely that the chainsaw is worn.
  2. The chainsaw ought to cut through wood fairly easily. If you’re being forced to apply pressure excessively dull or work with the chainsaw for it to be able to cut through the wood, it will likely be boring. That said, there are some species of wood, like oak and hickory which are more difficult to cut through than the softer varieties.
  3. If a chainsaw is too dull, it is easy to detect it by looking. The cutting edges appear to be more smooth and this is a sign of a saw that needs sharpening.
  4. When cutting the chainsaw, it came into contact with dirt (even in a fraction of an instant) it must be made sharper. Sand and rocks within the dirt can dull the chain within a matter of seconds!

Reasons for burning wood with a chainsaw

8 Reasons for burning wood with a chainsaw

Rakers Too High Causing chainsaw burning wood to Burn Wood

You should not only be sharpening your sharp chain regularly on regularly as well, but you must be sanding your rakers in order to assure a proper height overall and the right cutting depth. Rakers are pieces of metal that are placed in front of the tooth which maintains a consistent cutting depth.

The size overall height of the tooth gradually diminishes as a result of regular sharpening, until the raker has completely covered the tooth.

Although the chain sharp and sharpened, your saw is virtually impossible to make cuts when this occurs. It could result in massive and huge amounts tremendous amount of heat being generated that could cause the chainsaw to begin smoking and the burns wood to burn.

How to Fix Rakers Being Too High on Chainsaw

How to Fix Rakers Being Too High on Chainsaw

It is necessary to file the rakers down to a suitable cut depth gauge of .025″ to fix this issue. In order to measure and sharpen or polish the cutting depth with precision and consistency it is recommended that a depth gauge be employed.

In order to ensure that the chainsaw can cut quickly efficiently, with no smoke, it’s recommended to test the rakers by using an instrument to measure the cutting depth each time you make a sharpening.

Problems With the Chainsaw Oiler

One of the most annoying and troublesome causes for the chainsaw burning wood and emitting smoke is a issue with the chainsaw’s oiler system.

  • Chains require constant flow of lubrication. When the lubrication is cut off and the chain is not lubricated, it could cause many issues.
  • If your chainsaw burning wood also has issues feeding a broken oiler and the issue will extend beyond just a few puffs of smoke.
  • The bars could turn stained by the intense quantity of heat.

Also, it could loosen due to the thermal expansion sparks may pop up, leading to the chain to leap off the chain sprocket (always be sure to wear your chain). This is an extremely serious issue that must be dealt with promptly, and avoid using your saw until the issue can be repaired.

Check Your Chainsaw’s Oil Supply

Check Your Chainsaw’s Oil Supply

If you think the issue might be related to the system that powers your chainsaw first step you need to do is test the bar oil levels. If your chainsaw is depleted of bar oil, then you are likely to have a problem. Just refill the bar oil chamber, and ensure that you refill the entire system of oil for the chainsaw each time you fill it up by filling it with gasoline.

If the bar’s oil chamber is filled, you should look to determine whether the saw’s oil system is getting to the bar. There are two methods to test this:

  1. Pull the chain upwards from the bar. Check whether the surface of the bar is well-lubricated.
  2. Put the point of the bar just a couple of inches off the bottom of the log (not close to it) and turn the throttle for a few times in order to let the chain to rotate. If the broken oiler is operating it should leave a clear area of spraying oil onto the piece of log that fell off the chain.

If there is the oil has not reached the chain you’ve identified the issue.

How to Fix a Chainsaw Oiler That Is Not Dispensing Oil

How to Fix a Chainsaw Oiler That Is Not Dispensing Oil

Most often, the reason behind an saw’s oiler system malfunctioning is obstruction. Due to the huge amount of so much sawdust generated through chainsaws, it’s quite normal for it to accumulate and create a obstruction. However, this issue is easily fixed.

  • Remove your chain saw’s oil system, so much sawdust sharp and bar.
  • Clean all debris off the dispenser of oil in the chainsaw’s body as well as the hole for oil spray on the bar.
  • This is a job which should be included in your routine chainsaw maintenance.
  • If there’s no oil hole, and no obstructions are that is causing obstruction and the most likely cause could be a damaged oiler or worn stripped gear.

There are a variety of stripped gear which play an important role in the transfer of chainsaw oiler to the bar. For certain types of dull chain saws, the clutch is composed of plastic that can be cut wood or melt effortlessly.

The user must remove the clutch to inspect each component, then replace the damaged parts individually or components as required. You can take the saw to a neighborhood repair shop to receive help.

Cutting a Different Type Of Wood

Cutting a Different Type Of Wood

If you’re using an entirely new burn wood species the first time, and find that your miter saw has started to burn the wood, it could be the reason.

Certain species of burn wood are more vulnerable to scorch marks. Examples include maple, cherry, and purpleheart.

Utilizing these species of wood for your project makes a certain large amount of scorching wood in the cutting process invariably.

It’s important to keep hold logs while cutting with chainsaw in the right direction.

It could be the situation in case you’re cutting the hardwood in the very first instance.

While I was cutting the oak to make my countertop and the miter saw blade which did a fantastic job of cutting pine became dull chain stuck and lit up solid chunks of wood with each cut. The wood species and the dullness of the blade, is what led to the problem.

Chainsaw burning the wood : 8 Causes and solutions

When A Dirty Blade Is Burning

The cutting of wood that is sticky, such as pine can leave residues of resin and sap on the wood burns the blade. As the deposits grow they will cause friction between the saw blade and the cut wood is likely to increase.

Like the sharpened blades The additional friction could cause the wood to become hot and result in burn lines.

If you’re sure that the blade’s dirty is the sole cause cleaning it can fix the problem.

Remove the plug from the saw, and then, simply remove the blade. After that, dip it in the soapy water in a bowl. I suggest using dish soap since it is designed to break down fats, sugars and other substances.

A toothbrush could help in scrubbing this area.

In all honesty Most of the time, when I think an unclean blade could be an issue, I change it completely.

At this point, I’ve used the knife enough that it’s quite dull as and excessively dull. I’m done doing any cleaning and go on.



Chainsaws that are burning wood and producing smoke is a typical issue and can be quite simple to resolve. When you’ve identified the problem and apply the correct solution, you’re ready to start cutting edges again! Store a Chainsaw So It Doesn’t Leak Oil.


Why is my chainsaw chain burning?

Your chainsaw chain may be burning for several reasons. One possibility is that the chain is too tight, causing excessive friction and heat. Another reason could be that the chain is dull, which requires more pressure to cut through wood, resulting in increased friction and heat.

Additionally, if the chain is improperly lubricated, it can cause excess heat to build up and ultimately burn the chain. It is also important to check if the chain is properly aligned and if the saw is being used correctly, as improper technique can contribute to the chain overheating.

Overall, regular maintenance and proper use are essential to prevent your chainsaw owners dull chain from burning wood.

Should my chainsaw be smoking

Should my chainsaw be smoking?

No, your chainsaw makes should not be smoking. Smoking from a dull chain saw can indicate a number of issues, such as a dirty air filter, a clogged fuel line, or a problem with the engine itself. It is important to address the issue promptly as smoking can lead to further damage or even pose a safety hazard.

It is recommended to consult the manufacturer’s manual or a professional for troubleshooting and repair advice to ensure the proper functioning of your chainsaw.

Why is my chainsaw the wood?

Why is my chainsaw the wood?

The burning wood by a chainsaw owners occurs more often than you think This is typically caused by a worn chain, high-rakers chainsaw chain, or one that has been reattached backwards or an issue in the saw’s oiler system.

How do you know if your chainsaw makes isn’t oiling?

How do you know if your chainsaw makes isn’t oiling?

There are usually two methods to test if the chainsaw’s bar oil hole spray still isn’t flowing. First, you need to inspect the bottom of the bar, pushing the chain with a gentle pull to determine if it’s properly well-lubricated.

Another option is to put the end of the bar oiler about inches away from the edge of the log in order for the chain to spin (without touching the bar).

The log that fell loose from the dull chain must contain a clear line of oil spray if your oiler has been functioning correctly. If you don’t see any oil spray then you’ll know that it’s not working.

Read more: How to Become an Arborist: A Step-by-Step Guide to Pursuing a Career in Arboriculture

Wood Chipper Rental Cost Options: 10 Things To Сonsider

Wood chipper rental cost options: How to use your money wisely

A wood chipper is undoubtedly a necessary thing in the house, if you do not live in an apartment, but in your own house. The wood chipper will be an excellent assistant in turning the leftovers of wood into a practical material for landscaping project and many other functions.

But the question is, is it worth buying a wood chipper? Or is it better to consider the wood chipper rental cost options first? This will be discussed in today’s article.

Wood Chipper Rental Cost Options: 10 Things To Сonsider

How much does a wood chipper cost

Buying a wood chipper is an investment your save money in your own home. The wood chipper will help you quickly, easily and efficiently get rid of large pieces of wood. So you will get wood chips for repurposing in the backyard or in the house.

Let’s try to figure out how best to operate the wood chipper. Buy or rent?

Types of wood chippers

Wood chippers are an indispensable thing in the house. There are two types of wood chippers that will help you get chips quickly and easily. Each type has its own disadvantages and advantages, so it is important to make a choice in favor of exactly the kind that suits you.

Electric shredders, as a rule, are more compact and weightless than gas ones. Therefore, if you need to constantly carry a good quality wood chipper, it is better to choose an electric one.

Features of each type

They are also quieter and do not produce emissions. But they also have disadvantages in the form of small volume and power. You will not be able to process large branches in such wood chipper.

Gas powered wood chippers are bigger and more powerful. They are suitable for heavier jobs. But they are very difficult to operate in situations where the wood chipper needs to be moved. They also create more noise and pollution. They can only be moved with the help of a small vehicle.

To summarize briefly, electric wood chipper home is better for small jobs, and gas is better for large ones. Do not forget that much does a wood turn into splinters, so be careful. At the end of the work, a lot of chips remain, and of course, they need to be removed. We offer you several options for using chips from chipper.

Electric wood chipper shredders

Let’s take a closer look at the electric chippers.

The electric wood chippers are well suited for small-sized jobs. For example, small tree limbs, sticks, poles, small logs or other garden waste. On average, it grinds wood up to 1.75 inches in diameter.

It also has a reduction ratio factor. The best option reduction ratio would be 10:1. This means that the processing will be carried out to the smallest possible chips. Sometimes the reduction ratio in some models can reach 17:1.

Another advantage of such a device is that all waste is moved to a special bag, so that the space around the shredder remains clean. They’re more energy efficiency.

Electric wood shredder ready to work

Do I need to buy electric chippers?

If you need to recycle wood often, feel free to take an electric wood chippers. It meets the price/quality requirements very well. The average price tag for them is $150. The price is for a good device with diameters up to 1.75 inches. The advantages of such a electric models is that it works quietly and cleanly, unlike gas models.

They are also easier to maintain. All you need is to keep the blade sharp. We have already talked about the plus in the form of convenience of transportation. Such a small wood chipper can be easily put in a shed or garage.

Moreover, I’d like to note that electric wood chippers are more environmentally friendly than gas models.

Gas or Petrol wood chippers

Gas powered wood chipper are very powerful tools. They are heavy duty model and voluminous, have high power and performance. Such a device is ideal for harvesting large branches, large pieces of wood, other big yard waste etc.

Such equipment is capable of processing wood up to 6 inches. In fact, these giant gas chippers range in size from 3.4 inches to 6. You choose the option that suits you best.


But the most important disadvantage of such a wood chipper is noise. They are so loud that it is impossible to shout over them. And experts recommend working with headphones. Also, do not forget about fuel emissions and displacement problems.

If you do not need to use the wood chipper regularly and in large quantities, or you are limited by space, then we recommend you a electric wood chipper.

petrol chipper with a container full of mulch

How much does it cost a gas wood chipper rental in equipment rental companies?

There is an alternative option. Cost rent wood chippers. This method is well suited for those who rarely need a shredder and in small quantities. The average price for a rent a wood chipper per day is up to $ 100.

But this price of renting a wood chipper may vary depending on the factors of power, type of wood chipper, diameter, noise, etc. At the rental places, clarify all questions about payment.

By example

A small electric wood chipper is cheaper for renting a wood chipper than a large gas one. For rental prices to $100, you’ll get a gas chipper approximately 2-3 inches in diameter. For larger ones, let’s say 12 diameters, you will have to pay by rental price to $500.

Do not forget about the delivery services. The price for delivery costs depends on your place of residence and the policy of the rental company. Therefore, before placing an order, specify all the details.

Where to rent a wood chipper?

There are rental companies and firms for the cost rent a wood chipper anywhere in the country. Home depot can offer you a good gas powered wood chipper at a bargain price, which will ideally be able to recycle 2-inch branches.

The price for a gas powered wood chipper at Home depot rental companies rental price is $99.

How much does is cost to buy a wood chipper?

The wood chipper cost varies greatly depending on many factors. Let’s take a closer look at how much different types of wood chipper cost.

Gas wood chipper

The average price tag for such a tool is $ 600 or more. And for the best gas wood chippers, many give within $ 9,000. There are also expensive wood chipper models on trailers for $ 25,000, but such expensive options are more likely to be required by commercial chippers enterprises.

We advise you to take a closer look at ACME Tools. There are various options for gas wood chipper at a low price. You will also be able to study the characteristics of each shredder before buying.

Electric wood chipper shredder

The price of electric wood chipper also depends on some factors.

The first and perhaps the most important of them is the type of wood. If you need a model with a small diameter for fragile branches, then the usual standard model will do. But if you have to work with denser wood, you will have to look at more expensive heavy-duty models.

The second factor is the brand. Yes, the brand is also very important in pricing. This factor also includes the place of purchase. In professional salons, the price tag will be higher than that of resellers or retail stores.

Where to buy a wood chipper?

The best option is a specialized gardening store near you. So you can personally view the product, make sure it works, consult with sellers. Try to choose wood chippers with a guarantee, because in case of unpleasant surprises or breakage, you will be able to quickly eliminate the shortcomings.

Another purchase option is the Internet. Be very careful here. Read the reviews carefully.

When buying a gas wood chipper, make sure that you have all the necessary equipment to connect it.

Cost to Buy vs Rent a wood chipper in rental company

Electric wood chipper Gas wood chipper
Cost to rent not applicable $99-$500
Purchasing $120-$200 $600-$9,000

How much does it cost to run a wood chippers?

The cost of work is also vary depending on the size of the maschine, engine, fuel consumption and chipping capacity.

Let’s calculate how much the wood chipper will cost along with its contents.

The equipment initial cost from $600 to $25,000.

Enter the cost of fuel into the calculation. On average, such machines consume up to 5 liters of gas per cubic meter. Also, such equipment must be constantly adjusted and repaired. The best price cost of repairs varies from 10 to 20 dollars per hour.

Powerful shredder for large branches

10 Things to consider before buying or rent a wood chipper

Now we will tell you about the 10 most important things you should know about when buying or renting a wood chipper.

1) Power source

Be sure to take care of the power source. If you choose an electric wood chipper, make sure that you have the opportunity to connect it to an outlet on the street. If you use gas wood chipper, then make sure that you also have the necessary power source for this.

The same goes for the gasoline wood chipper. If you do not have a suitable outlet, then you can hold it, or you will have to give preference in favor of a gas wood chipper.

Using extension cords and adapter sockets in this case can be very dangerous, since the power is very large. Before renting a wood chipper, ask if they have alternative power sources available.

2) Engine power

The second thing you need to take care of beforehand is power. Engine power is measured in horsepower and is of great importance. A good engine but should be 1 or 1/2 horsepower.

With a high level of operation, you need higher power, because otherwise the wood chipper simply will not withstand so much high load and will break. Before renting a wood chipper, be sure to check the engine power. The engine displacement is involved in the pricing of the entire device.

3) Chipping reduction ratio

The amount of grinding that the wood chipper will produce depends on this ratio. As mentioned earlier, the best option is a ratio of 10 to 1.

The higher the ratio, the smaller the wood chips. Therefore, choose the parameters that you need. Some models can reach a ratio of 17 to 1. But do not forget, the higher the ratio, the more energy is spent. More power means a stronger engine and a higher wood chipper cost.

4) Self-Feeding chipper or Manual

Another very important point that you need to consider. Do you need a self-feeding chopper or a manual chopper? In other words, such a larger wood chippers pushes the wood itself to the blades, so that the machine does its job. In manual shredders, you push the logs to the blades yourself.

Of course, a manual chopper is not as comfortable as a self-feeding one. The manual chopper takes too much time, you constantly need to be around to put the wood. Also, do not forget that a manual chopper is more dangerous than a self-feeding one.

Thus, for the sake of safety and saving time, we advise you to make a choice in favor of a self-feeding chopper.

5) Wood chippers throat size

Another point you need to consider is the size of the throat. Perhaps this is one of the most important criteria. The size of the throat is the width of the hole through which the wood will pass. That is, the wood should be no larger in diameter than the throat.

Before buying or renting a drum chippers, be sure to review the pieces of wood that you need to chop. Electric choppers have a narrower throat no more than 2 inches.

Gas shredders have a larger diameter up to 17 inches. Be careful with large branches, the wood can be quite heavy.

When renting equipment for extended time, they are always interested in the size of the throat.

6) Feed capacity limit

The limit of the feed power. In simple words, this is the amount that the wood chippers can process. The higher this number, the more wood you can recycle and turn into chips. The supply power limit is specified at one time of operation.

7) Portability

Portability is one of the most important criteria when choosing a shredder. Electric ones are easier to move, they have less mass than gas ones. Portable shredders, as a rule, move on two wheels.

It is convenient to move them while walking, moving them behind you. Larger ones can be moved using a trailer or truck.

You attach the chopper to the back of the truck and start driving. You can also use an ATV or a car, or any other traction force. Large shredders need additional transport licensing, which will increase your shredder costs.

8) Size and Accessibility to your property

The size of the wood chopper is the length, width, and height of the machine. The more accessible your property is to the wood chopper, the easier it will be for you to move it. The last thing anyone needs is to hire a wood shredder only to find that you can’t carry it through your backyard gate.

Storage location

At the risk of stating the obvious, these cars are not small. Electric wood shredders are ideal for storage in your basement or garage. While gas machines will need to be stored in a shed or burned with wide access to the door.

rented shredder

9) Safety: Personal Protective equipment

Be sure to take a closer look at what kind of protection is on the shredders. Since this is a very dangerous thing and can easily tighten your clothes or any other objects and cause harm, special safety systems are provided in shredders.

Glasses (eye protection) are usually included. We advise you to look for suitable comfortable clothes in advance. Do not forget that much does a wood turn into splinters, so be careful.

10) Noise and mess

If it is important for you to keep the mess and silence, then we do not recommend taking a gas chipper. Gas shredders have a gutter that makes a very big mess.

But if the use of a gas smaller wood chippers cannot be avoided, then after it, walk with a blower on the surface of the earth. So, you can remove all the garbage. Use ear protectors so that the sound from the chopper does not deafen you.

Chapter FAQ

How big of branches can a wood chipper handle?

The wood shredder copes with an average of 200-300 cubic centimeters of branches at a time. After that, he needs a short break so that the device does not overheat. This applies to both electric and gas choppers.

What is the difference between a chipper and a chipper shredder?

Garden shredders and shredders are the same thing. In the USA, the term “Shredder” is more common, although the term “Shredder” is also used. A simple conclusion is that there is no difference between shredders and shredders. They are the same machines, and they do the same job.

What’s the difference between a wood chipper and a mulcher?

The main difference between a wood chopper and a mulcher is in power. Wood shredders, especially heavy-duty machines, are designed for shredding large pieces of wood and branches. Mulchers, sometimes called shredders, are smaller and less powerful.

How much does it cost to rent a wood chipper in Ontario?

The average wood chipper rental in Ontario (west coast) is $200 or more money. This is slightly higher than in other places. This may be due to the peculiarity of the wood of the local district, as well as the management policies of the companies. The rent a wood chipper price reaches up to $ 600.

In the rental place, specify in detail all the details of the lease. Also, immediately specify the rental time for shredder.


The price of a wood chipper depends on many factors. The wood chipper rentals on average does not exceed $ 500 a day. The cost to rent depends on several factors, which you’d better find out from the company. The cost of the maschine itself varies between $ 1,000 and above.

When using a wood chipper, follow all safety rules. Make sure that the machine is standing on a flat surface, and not on rough terrain. The device should not be extremely mobile.

And what is your advice?

It is cost effective to purchase a shredder on a permanent basis only in situations when you need a shredder often. The wood inside the device turns into splinters. Therefore, do not forget to wear protective glasses and clothing when working. Also, do not forget about the means of fire prevention.

We also advise you not to forget that if you use the cost rented device too actively, in addition to the transaction, you will have to pay extra for the spent material.

As a final tip and to save time, we advise you to use electric shredders, they are better. Most homeowners also prefer electric, watch this video by @TRYtoHELPyou for an example: